Routeco, Milton Keynes
Throughout the middle of 2009 Ossett Mouldings Limited made, supplied six curved ceilings to this very modern, contempory new built building. On completion, we believe this was occupied by “Routeco’s” tenant.
These ceilings, shown throughout this page were manufactured in Glass Reinforced Gypsum (GRG). There are six of these, on three levels. To two three storey “glass” towers.
As is customary in the construction industry, we worked as a sub contractor, not directly for the client. The client in this case was an interior fitting out and finishing company – “Bespoke Interiors”.
On this page we will describe as interestingly as possible for you our part in this project of which we are naturally quite proud.
To the left is a fairly difficult vertical opening for a spiral stairway. While this was geometrically difficult, it is also awkward to photograph and illustrate.
It didn’t help that every time I showed a camera – the sun came out and (seemed to) bleach / wash every surface in a bright, shadow-less light.
We had perhaps 8 different patterns, some very large indeed. Each of these needed to be moulded.
From these several moulds we made an equal number of very large production castings. Perhaps each was four square metres in area. In total 110 castings, possibly 450 square metres in surface area!
Sorry to go on about our difficulties, but this huge area and quantity of castings made for a lot of effort in loading, packing and transporting. Please don’t ask about the difficulties raising them all up three floors, often with inadequate stairways.
One point that should be noted is that, despite these cast units large area / volume, they were in truth surprisingly light in weight. this made them astonishingly easy to raise into their required position, sometimes above 3.5 metres from floor level.
All of these varied items were curved to fairly large radii.
While appearing to be quite plain in profile, these were in fact very difficult to produce. Believe me, the simple term “curved in one plane” doesn’t begin to describe the further geometric horror we (again) so correctly foresaw!
Obviously the setting out, while difficult was achieved, as were the many other practical difficulties, both anticipated and unforeseen, including some complex chemical interations between materials.
This image here shows our curved ceiling meeting into a straight section formed by our contractor. Hopefully (but not for certain) the tenant and their staff will thoroughly enjoy working underneath all six of the ceilings that occupied so much of our time during mid 2009.
Little more to say, so please just view these remaining images.
Of course I’ll be happy to discuss details and possible costs of any similar project you might be considering. Please just use the email “mail to” button at the bottom of this or any other page on this website.
Ask for John Clayton, the company Managing Director and I’ll very happily discuss any aspect of your possible project.